The world is slowly recovering from the pandemic. Opportunities to travel and study abroad are opening up again. Hence, many students are applying to study abroad in 2022. In fact, many sessions have already begun in several universities.
But, you need to know more about the challenges of studying abroad. Often, students are confused when it comes to taking the decision of whether to study abroad. An internationally recognised degree will always give you the competitive edge. But there are different kinds of challenges that you might face while studying abroad.
Finding the right accommodation isn’t easy
Very often on-campus accommodation gets filled up faster. In that case, students have to find other means of accommodation outside the university campus. This can often make you pay a huge amount to get your preferred accommodation. It is very important to look for accommodation from reliable trustworthy sources. This is a must to avoid getting caught in a scam.
Struggling with the time zone factor!
Studying abroad means staying between two time zones on opposite ends of the planet. This can be really frustrating. Especially, when you are in touch with your loved ones from India. You need to double-check which time is suitable for which time zone. Also get into a habit of making phone calls very early in the morning. Or very late in the evenings.
Managing Finances is Tough
You may make efforts to plan your finances, budget, and also track your expenses. But sometimes it really gets tough to manage these expenses. Even if you’re managing your money perfectly well, you can still end up broke. Or you may have less than you need. To make some money, check your campus classifieds for part-time job opportunities. You can also go for different freelance gigs and manage your finances a bit better.
Feeling Homesick
Homesickness is something very common when you are away from your loved ones. It can affect you immensely when you’re bored. Therefore, it is always advised to stay active. You need to connect with people, especially fellow students who are feeling the same. Embrace as much of your new surroundings as possible. Get engaged in your day to day activities. So you will have less time to worry about what you have left behind.
Feeling lonely and anxious
It is not always easy to make friends in a new city especially. This is true if you are a shy or an introvert person. You can make friends by joining the social and activity clubs at your university. Assignments can be stressful at times. Treat your psychological state of mind the way you will take care of your body. Try to keep yourself calm. Be with good friends. Most importantly, keep yourself busy in interesting activities. Seek help from a counsellor or psychologist to talk.
Climate Uncertainties
It is difficult to predict how the weather is like till you reach your destination. Your wardrobe needs to be planned accordingly. Plan to bring only the bare minimum essentials. Get the rest when you get there. If finances are your concern, look for second-hand clothing stores to get all the required stuff.